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Methods with Async in their name are methods that will yield - similar to how task.wait() is a function that yields



ProfileStore.IsClosing   [bool] (read-only)
When the Roblox is shutting down this value will be set to true and most methods will silently fail.


ProfileStore.IsCriticalState   [bool] (read-only)
After an excessive amount of DataStore calls fail this value will temporarily be set to true until the DataStore starts operating normally again. Might be useful for analytics or notifying players in-game of possible service disturbances.


ProfileStore.OnError   [Signal] (message, store_name, profile_key)
A signal for DataStore error logging. Example:
ProfileStore.OnError:Connect(function(error_message, store_name, profile_key)
  print(`DataStore error (Store:{store_name};Key:{profile_key}): {error_message}`)


ProfileStore.OnOverwrite   [Signal] (store_name, profile_key)
A signal for events when a DataStore key returns a value that has all or some of it's profile components set to invalid data types. E.g., accidentally setting Profile.Data to a non table value. Example:
ProfileStore.OnOverwrite:Connect(function(store_name, profile_key)
  print(`Overwrite has occurred for Store:{store_name}, Key:{profile_key}`)


ProfileStore.OnCriticalToggle   [Signal] (is_critical)
A signal that is called whenever ProfileStore.IsCriticalState changes. Example:
  if is_critical == true then
    print(`ProfileStore entered critical state`)
    print(`ProfileStore critical state is over`)


ProfileStore.DataStoreState   [string] "NotReady" | "NoInternet" | "NoAccess" | "Access"
Indicates ProfileStore's access to the DataStore. If at first check ProfileStore.DataStoreState is "NotReady", it will eventually change to one of the other 3 possible values (NoInternet, NoAccess or Access) and never change again. "Access" means ProfileStore can write to the DataStore.


ProfileStore.New(store_name, template?) --> [ProfileStore]
  -- store_name   [string] -- DataStore name
  -- template     nil or [table] -- Profile.Data will default
    -- to given table (deep-copy) when no data was saved previously
ProfileStore objects expose methods for reading and writing to profiles. Equivalent of :GetDataStore() in Roblox DataStoreService API.


By default, template is only copied for Profile.Data for new profiles. Changes made to template can be applied to Profile.Data of previously saved profiles by calling Profile:Reconcile(). Using templates and reconciliation is completely optional and you may alter Profile.Data with your own code alone.


ProfileStore.SetConstant(name, value)
  -- value   [number]
A feature for experienced developers who understand how ProfileStore works for changing internal constants without having to fork the ProfileStore project.



local PlayerStore = ProfileStore.New("PlayerData", {})

-- This profile would be saved to the DataStore:
local LiveProfile = PlayerStore:StartSessionAsync("profile_key")
LiveProfile.Data.Value = 1

-- This profile does not load data from the DataStore
-- nor save data to the DataStore:
-- (This data will disappear after the game server shuts down)
local MockProfile = PlayerStore.Mock:StartSessionAsync("profile_key")
MockProfile.Data.Value = 1

ProfileStore.Mock is a reflection of methods available in the ProfileStore, but said methods will now operate on profiles stored on a separate "fake" DataStore that will be forgotten when the game server shuts down. Profiles loaded using the same key from ProfileStore and ProfileStore.Mock will be different profiles because the regular and mock versions of a ProfileStore are isolated from each other.

ProfileStore.Mock is useful for customizing your testing environment in cases where you want to enable Roblox API services in studio, but don't want ProfileStore to save to live keys:

local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local PlayerStore = ProfileStore.New("PlayerData", {})
if RunService:IsStudio() == true then
  PlayerStore = PlayerStore.Mock


Even when Roblox API services are unavailable, ProfileStore and ProfileStore.Mock will store profiles separately from each other.


ProfileStore.Name   [string] (read-only)
The name of the DataStore that was defined as the first argument of ProfileStore.New().


ProfileStore:StartSessionAsync(profile_key, params?) --> [Profile] or nil
  -- profile_key   [string] -- DataStore key
  -- params        nil or [table]: {
  --    Cancel: fn() -> (boolean)?
  --    Steal: boolean?
  -- }
Starts a session for a profile. If other servers call this method using the same profile_key they would notify the server that currently owns the session to make a final save before letting another server acquire the session. While a session is active you can expect any changes to Profile.Data to be saved. You can find out whether a session has ended by checking Profile:IsActive() == true or by listening to Profile.OnSessionEnd. You must always call Profile:EndSession() after you're done working with a profile as failing to do so will make the game perform more and more DataStore requests.

The second optional argument to ProfileStore:StartSessionAsync() is a table with additional rules for the session start request:

  • Cancel - If set to a function, the function will be called several times by ProfileStore to check whether the profile session is still needed. If the profile is no longer needed, the Cancel function should return true. The Cancel argument would be useful in rare cases where the DataStores are unresponsive and a player leaves before a session was started allowing ProfileStore to stop making additional requests to the DataStore. Using the Cancel argument also disables the default ProfileStore session start timeout as the developer would decide when the profile is no longer needed.
  • Steal - (e.g. {Steal = true}) If set to true, doesn't let an active session make final changes to Profile.Data and immediately starts a session on the server calling ProfileStore:StartSessionAsync() with this argument. DO NOT USE THIS ARGUMENT FOR LOADING PLAYER DATA NORMALLY - The Steal argument bypasses session locks which are needed for item "dupe" prevention. This argument is only useful for debugging.

The Steal argument bypasses session locks which are needed for item "dupe" prevention - use this only if you know what you are doing

Example usage:

local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local profile = PlayerStore:StartSessionAsync(tostring(player.UserId), {
  Cancel = function()
    return player:IsDescendantOf(Players) == false


ProfileStore saves profiles to live DataStore keys in Roblox Studio when Roblox API services are enabled. See ProfileStore.Mock if saving to live keys during testing is not desired.


:StartSessionAsync() can return nil when another remote Roblox server attempts to start a session for the same profile at the same time. This case should be extremely rare and it would be recommended to :Kick() the player if :StartSessionAsync() does not return a Profile object.


ProfileStore:MessageAsync(profile_key, message) --> is_success [bool]
  -- profile_key   [string] -- DataStore key
  -- message       [table] -- Data to be stored in the profile before it's received
Sends a message to a profile regardless of whether a server has started a session for it. Each ProfileStore:MessageAsync() call will use one :UpdateAsync() call for sending the message and another :UpdateAsync() call on the server that currently has a session started for the profile - This means that ProfileStore:MessageAsync() is only to be used for when handling critical data like gifting paid items to in-game friends that may or may not be online at the moment. If you don't mind the possibility of your messages failing to deliver, use MessagingService instead. See Profile:MessageHandler() to learn how to receive messages.


ProfileStore:GetAsync(profile_key, version?) --> [Profile] or nil
  -- profile_key   [string]
  -- version       nil or [string] -- DataStore key version
Attempts to load the latest profile version (or a specified version via the version argument) from the DataStore without starting a session. Returned Profile will not auto-save and you won't have to call :EndSession() for it. Data in the returned Profile can be edited to create a payload which can be saved via Profile:SetAsync(). If there's no data saved in the DataStore under a provided profile_key, ProfileStore:GetAsync() will return nil.

:GetAsync() is the the preferred way of reading player data without editing it.

Profile.Data will not be auto-saved when using ProfileStore:GetAsync()


ProfileStore:VersionQuery(profile_key, sort_direction?, min_date?, max_date?) --> [VersionQuery]
  -- profile_key      [string]
  -- sort_direction   nil or [Enum.SortDirection] -- Defaults to "Ascending"
  -- min_date         nil or [DateTime] or [number] (epoch time millis)
  -- max_date         nil or [DateTime] or [number] (epoch time millis)
Creates a profile version query using DataStore:ListVersionsAsync() (Official documentation). Results are retrieved through VersionQuery:NextAsync(). Date definitions are easier with the DateTime (Official documentation) library. User defined day and time will have to be converted to Unix time (Wikipedia) while taking their timezone into account to expect the most precise results, though you can be rough and just set the date and time in the UTC timezone and expect a maximum margin of error of 24 hours for your query results.

Examples of query arguments:

  • Pass nil for sort_direction, min_date and max_date to find the oldest available version
  • Pass Enum.SortDirection.Descending for sort_direction, nil for min_date and max_date to find the most recent version.
  • Pass Enum.SortDirection.Descending for sort_direction, nil for min_date and DateTime defining a time before an event (e.g. two days earlier before your game unrightfully stole 1,000,000 coins from a player) for max_date to find the most recent version of a Profile that existed before said event.

Case example: "I lost all of my coins on August 14th!"

-- Get a ProfileStore object with the same arguments you passed to the
--  ProfileStore that loads player Profiles:

local PlayerStore = ProfileStore.New("PlayerData", {})

-- If you can't figure out the exact time and timezone the player lost coins
--  in on the day of August 14th, then your best bet is to try querying
--  UTC August 13th. If the first entry still doesn't have the coins - 
--  try a new query of UTC August 12th and etc.

local max_date = DateTime.fromUniversalTime(2021, 08, 13) -- UTC August 13th, 2021

local query = PlayerStore:VersionQuery(
  "Player_2312310", -- The same profile key that gets passed to :LoadProfileAsync()

-- Get the first result in the query:
local profile = query:NextAsync()

if profile ~= nil then

  profile:SetAsync() -- This method does the actual rolling back;
    -- Don't call this method until you're sure about setting the latest
    -- version to a copy of the previous one

  print(`Rollback success!`)

  print(profile.Data) -- You'll be able to surf table contents if
    -- you're running this code in studio with access to API services
    -- enabled and have expressive output enabled; If the printed
    -- data doesn't have the coins, you'll want to change your
    -- query parameters.

  print(`No version to rollback to`)

Case example: Studying data mutation over time

-- You have ProfileStore working in your game. You join
--  the game with your own account and go to
--  and save the current UNIX timestamp resembling present time.
--  You can then make the game alter your data by giving you
--  currency, items, experience, etc.

local PlayerStore = ProfileStore.New("PlayerData", {})

-- UNIX timestamp you saved:
local min_date = DateTime.fromUnixTimestamp(1628952101)
local print_minutes = 60 * 12 -- Print the next 12 hours of history

local query = PlayerStore:VersionQuery(

-- You can now attempt to print out every snapshot of your data saved
--  at an average periodic interval of 60 minutes (Roblox DataStore caching interval)
--  starting from the time you took the UNIX timestamp!

local finish_update_time = min_date.UnixTimestampMillis + (print_minutes * 60000)

print(`Fetching {print_minutes} minutes of saves:`)

local entry_count = 0

while true do

  entry_count +=1
  local profile = query:NextAsync()

  if profile ~= nil then

    if profile.KeyInfo.UpdatedTime > finish_update_time then
      if entry_count == 1 then
        print(`No entries found in set time period. (Start timestamp too early)`)
        print(`Time period finished.`)

    print(`Entry {entry_count} - {DateTime.fromUnixTimestampMillis(profile.KeyInfo.UpdatedTime):ToIsoDate()}`)

    print(profile.Data) -- Printing table for studio expressive output

    if entry_count == 1 then
      print(`No entries found in set time period. (Start timestamp too late)`)
      print(`No more entries in query.`)



ProfileStore:RemoveAsync(profile_key) --> is_success [bool]
  -- profile_key   [string] -- DataStore key
You can use :RemoveAsync() to erase data from the DataStore. In live Roblox servers :RemoveAsync() must be used on profiles created through ProfileStore.Mock after Profile:EndSession() and it's known that the Profile will no longer be loaded again.



Profile.Data   [table]
This is the data that would resemble player progress or other data you wish to save to the DataStore. Changes to Profile.Data are guaranteed to save as long as you do so after checking for the condition Profile:IsActive() == true or before the signal Profile.OnSessionEnd is triggered. The result of Profile:IsActive() can change at any moment, so critical data should be stored to Profile.Data immediately after checking without yielding (e.g. task.wait()). If needed, you may set Profile.Data to a new table reference (e.g. Profile.Data = {}). When Profile:IsActive() returns false changes to Profile.Data are no longer stored to the DataStore.


Profile.LastSavedData   [table] (read-only)
This is a version of Profile.Data that has been successfully stored to the DataStore. Useful for verifying what particular data has been saved, or for securely handling developer product purchases.


Profile.FirstSessionTime   [number] (read-only) -- Unix time
A Unix timestamp of when the profile was created.


Profile.SessionLoadCount   [number] (read-only)
Amount of times a session has been started for this profile.


Profile.Session   [table?] (read-only) -- nil or {PlaceId = number, JobId = string}
This value never changes after a profile object is created. After you start a session for a profile, the Profile.Session will be equal to a table with it's PlaceId and JobId members set to the server you started the session on. After you read a profile using ProfileStore:GetAsync(), Profile.Session may be equal to nil or a table with it's PlaceId and JobId members set to the server that currently has a session started for the profile.


Profile.RobloxMetaData   [table]

Be cautious of very harsh limits for maximum Roblox Metadata size - As of writing this, total table content size cannot exceed 300 characters.

A table that gets saved as Metadata (Official documentation) of a DataStore key belonging to the profile. The way this table is saved is equivalent to using DataStoreSetOptions:SetMetaData(Profile.RobloxMetaData) and passing the DataStoreSetOptions object to a :SetAsync() call, except changes will truly get saved on the next auto-save cycle or when the profile session is ended. Info on Roblox metadata limits can be found here.


Profile.UserIds [table] (read-only) -- {user_id [number], ...}
User ids associated with this profile. Entries must be added with Profile:AddUserId() and removed with Profile:RemoveUserId().


Profile.KeyInfo [DataStoreKeyInfo]
The DataStoreKeyInfo (Official documentation) instance related to this profile.


  print(`Profile.Data is about to be saved to the DataStore`)
A signal that is fired right before whenever changes to Profile.Data are saved to the DataStore. Changes to Profile.Data are expected to save when done at the moment of Profile.OnSave firing, but this guarantee is no longer valid after yielding (e.g. using task.wait() or :WaitForChild()) and the condition Profile:IsActive() == true would have to be used instead. Profile.OnSave will be fired before every auto-save, before a manual save caused by Profile:Save() and before a final save after a session has been ended.


Profile.OnLastSave:Connect(function(reason: "Manual" | "External" | "Shutdown")
  print(`Profile.Data is about to be saved to the DataStore for the last time; Reason: {reason}`)
A signal that is fired right before changes to Profile.Data are saved to the DataStore for the last time. Changes to Profile.Data are expected to save when done at the moment of Profile.OnLastSave firing, but this guarantee is no longer valid after yielding (e.g. using task.wait() or :WaitForChild()). Profile.OnLastSave will be fired after a session has ended in one of three ways:

  • "Manual" - Developer code called Profile:EndSession()
  • "External" - Another server started a session for the same profile
  • "Shutdown" - The profile session has been ended automatically due to the server shutting down

One of Profile.OnLastSave uses is giving "logout penalties" where a player may receive punishment for closing the game at the wrong time. Example:

local InCombat = false

  if reason ~= "Shutdown" then

    print(`The cause of the session ending is not due to a server shutdown`)

    -- If you didn't want the player to logout at this particular moment,
    -- this should be where you'd penalize the player. e.g.:

    if InCombat == true then
      Profile.Data.Coins -= 100



On rare occasions Roblox servers can crash and Profile.OnLastSave might never get the chance to fire. You should design your data saving code in a way where reacting to Profile.OnLastSave is not critical.


  print(`Profile session has ended - Profile.Data will no longer be saved to the DataStore`)
The Profile.OnSessionEnd signal can be fired after the developer calls Profile:EndSession(), Another server calls [ProfileStore:StartSessionAsync()] for the same profile or when the server is shutting down. After the Profile.OnSessionEnd signal is fired, no further changes to Profile.Data should be made. Profile.OnSessionEnd will fire even when a profile session is stolen, whereas Profile.OnLastSave would not. In some cases it would be preferable to kick the player from the game when this signal is fired:

  player:Kick(`Your data has been loaded on another server - please rejoin`)


Profile.OnSessionEnd should not be used for applying final changes to Profile.Data. Use Profile.OnLastSave instead.


  print(`Profile.Data has been successfully saved to the DataStore:`, last_saved_data)
This signal will fire every time after profile data has been accessed by GlobalDataStore:UpdateAsync(). After this signal is fired, the values Profile.LastSavedData and Profile.KeyInfo will have been changed - Profile.LastSavedData can be used to verify which particular changes to Profile.Data have been successfully saved to the DataStore.


Profile.ProfileStore   [ProfileStore] -- ProfileStore object this profile belongs to
The ProfileStore object that was used to create this profile.


Profile.Key   [string] -- DataStore key
The DataStore key of this profile. This is the first passed argument to ProfileStore:StartSessionAsync() or ProfileStore:GetAsync().


Profile:IsActive() --> [bool]
If Profile:IsActive() returns true, changes to Profile.Data will be saved - this guarantee will no longer be valid after yielding (e.g. using task.wait() or :WaitForChild()). When implementing in-game trading, you may make changes to two profiles immediately without yielding after Profile:IsActive() returns true for the two profiles.


Fills in missing variables inside Profile.Data from a template table that was provided as a second argument to ProfileStore.New(). Profile:Reconcile() can be useful if you're making changes to your data template over the course of your game's development.


Stops auto-saving for this profile and saves Profile.Data to the DataStore for the last time. Call this method after you're done working with the Profile object created by ProfileStore:StartSessionAsync().



  local profile = Profiles[player]

  if profile ~= nil then
    Profiles[player] = nil



-- user_id [number]
Associates a UserId with the profile. Multiple users can be associated with a single profile by calling this method for each individual UserId. The primary use of this method is to comply with GDPR (The right to erasure). More information in official documentation.


-- user_id [number]
Unassociates a UserId with the profile.


Profile:MessageHandler(function(message, processed)
  print(`Message received:`, message)
Sets a function that will handle existing and future incoming messages sent to this profile by ProfileStore:MessageAsync(). The message argument is a table that was passed as the second argument to ProfileStore:MessageAsync(). The processed argument is a function that must be called to let ProfileStore know this message has been processed. If a message is not processed by calling processed(), ProfileStore will continue to iterate through other functions passed to Profile:MessageHandler() and will broadcast the same message. Unprocessed messages will be broadcasted to new functions passed to Profile:MessageHandler() and will continue to do so when a profile session is started another time (e.g. after a player joins the game again) until processed() is finally called.


Calling Profile:Save() will immediately save Profile.Data to the DataStore when a profile session is still active (Profile:IsActive() returns true). Profile.Data is already automatically saved to the DataStore on auto-saves and when the profile session is ended with Profile:EndSession(), so Profile:Save() should only be used for critical moments like ensuring data related to Developer Product purchases are saved before a server crash could occur. The cost of calling Profile:Save() is one :UpdateAsync() call - see the official documentation on DataStore limits to evaluate your use case.



Only works for profiles loaded through ProfileStore:GetAsync() or ProfileStore:VersionQuery()

Saves Profile.Data of a profile loaded with ProfileStore:GetAsync() to the DataStore disregarding any active sessions. If there was a server that had an active session for that profile - that session will be ended.