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Never yield (use wait() or asynchronous Roblox API calls) inside listener functions


Methods with Async in their name are methods that will yield - just like wait()



ProfileService.ServiceLocked   [bool]
Set to false when the Roblox server is shutting down. ProfileStore methods should not be called after this value is set to false


ProfileService.IssueSignal   [ScriptSignal](error_message [string], profile_store_name [string], profile_key [string])
Analytics endpoint for DataStore error logging. Example usage:
ProfileService.IssueSignal:Connect(function(error_message, profile_store_name, profile_key)


ProfileService.CorruptionSignal   [ScriptSignal](profile_store_name [string], profile_key [string])
Analytics endpoint for cases when a DataStore key returns a value that has all or some of it's profile components set to invalid data types. E.g., accidentally setting Profile.Data to a non table value


ProfileService.CriticalStateSignal   [ScriptSignal] (is_critical_state [bool])
Analytics endpoint for cases when DataStore is throwing too many errors and it's most likely affecting your game really really bad - this could be due to developer errors or due to Roblox server problems. Could be used to alert players about data store outages.


) --> [ProfileStore]
-- profile_store_index   [string] -- DataStore name
-- OR
-- profile_store_index   [table]: -- Allows the developer to define more GlobalDataStore variables
--  {
--    Name = "StoreName", -- [string] -- DataStore name
--    -- Optional arguments:
--    Scope = "StoreScope", -- [string] -- DataStore scope
--  }
-- profile_template     [table] -- Profile.Data will default to
--   given table (deep-copy) when no data was saved previously
ProfileStore objects expose methods for loading / viewing profiles and sending global updates. Equivalent of :GetDataStore() in Roblox DataStoreService API.


By default, profile_template is only copied for Profile.Data for new profiles. Changes made to profile_template can be applied to Profile.Data of previously saved profiles by calling Profile:Reconcile(). You can also create your own function to fill in the missing components in Profile.Data as soon as it is loaded or have nil exceptions in your personal :Get() and :Set() method libraries.



) --> [Profile] or nil
-- profile_key            [string] -- DataStore key
-- not_released_handler   nil or []: -- Defaults to "ForceLoad"
--      [string] "ForceLoad" -- Force loads profile on first call
--      OR
--      [string] "Steal" -- Steals the profile ignoring it's session lock
--      OR
--      [function] (place_id, game_job_id) --> [string] "Repeat", "Cancel", "ForceLoad" or "Steal"
--          place_id      [number] or nil
--          game_job_id   [string] or nil
For basic usage, pass nil for the not_released_handler argument.

not_released_handler as a function argument is called when the profile is session-locked by a remote Roblox server:

local profile = ProfileStore:LoadProfileAsync(
  function(place_id, game_job_id)
    -- place_id and game_job_id identify the Roblox server that has
    --   this profile currently locked. In rare cases, if the server
    --   crashes, the profile will stay locked until ForceLoaded by
    --   a new session.
    return "Repeat" or "Cancel" or "ForceLoad" or "Steal"
not_released_handler must return one of the following values:

  • return "Repeat" - ProfileService will repeat the profile loading proccess and may call the release handler again
  • return "Cancel" - :LoadProfileAsync() will immediately return nil
  • return "ForceLoad" - ProfileService will indefinitely attempt to load the profile. If the profile is session-locked by a remote Roblox server, it will either be released for that remote server or "stolen" (Stealing is necessary for remote servers that are not responding in time and for handling crashed server session-locks).
  • return "Steal" - The profile will usually be loaded immediately, ignoring an existing remote session lock and applying a session lock for this session. "Steal" can be used to clear dead session locks faster than "ForceLoad" assuming your code knows that the session lock is dead.


ProfileService saves profiles to live DataStore keys in Roblox Studio when Roblox API services are enabled. See ProfileStore.Mock if saving to live keys during testing is not desired.


:LoadProfileAsync() can return nil when another remote Roblox server attempts to load the profile at the same time. This case should be extremely rare and it would be recommended to :Kick() the player if :LoadProfileAsync() does not return a Profile object.

Do not load a profile of the same key again before it is released

Trying to load a profile that has already been session-locked on the same server will result in an error. You may, however, instantly load the profile again after releasing it with Profile:Release().


) --> [GlobalUpdates] or nil
-- profile_key      [string] -- DataStore key
-- update_handler   [function](global_updates) -- This function is
--   called with a GlobalUpdates object

Used to create and manage Active global updates for a specified Profile. Can be called on any Roblox server of your game. Updates should reach the recipient in less than 30 seconds, regardless of whether it was called on the same server the Profile is session-locked to. See Global Updates for more information.

Example usage of :GlobalUpdateProfileAsync():

      Type = "AdminGift",
      Item = "Coins",
      Amount = 1000,


:GlobalUpdateProfileAsync() will work for profiles that haven't been created (profiles are created when they're loaded using :LoadProfileAsync() for the first time)

Yielding inside the update_handler function will throw an error

Avoid rapid use of ProfileStore:GlobalUpdateProfileAsync()

Excessive use of ProfileStore:GlobalUpdateProfileAsync() can lead to dead session locks and event lost Profile.Data (latter is mostly possible only if the Profile is loaded in the same session as :GlobalUpdateProfileAsync() is called). This is due to a queue system that executes every write request for the Profile every 7 seconds - if this queue grows larger than the BindToClose timeout (approx. 30 seconds), some requests in the queue can be lost after the game shuts down.


ProfileStore:ViewProfileAsync(profile_key, version) --> [Profile] or nil
-- profile_key   [string] -- DataStore key
-- version       nil or [string] -- DataStore key version

Passing version argument in mock mode (Or offline mode) will throw an error - Mock versioning is not supported

Attempts to load the latest profile version (or a specified version via the version argument) from the DataStore without claiming a session lock. Returns nil if such version does not exist. Returned Profile will not auto-save and releasing won't do anything. Data in the returned Profile can be changed to create a payload which can be saved via Profile:OverwriteAsync().

:ViewProfileAsync() is the the prefered way of viewing player data without editing it.


ProfileStore:ProfileVersionQuery(profile_key, sort_direction, min_date, max_date) --> [ProfileVersionQuery]
-- profile_key      [string]
-- sort_direction   nil or [Enum.SortDirection] -- Defaults to "Ascending"
-- min_date         nil or [DateTime] or [number] (epoch time millis)
-- max_date         nil or [DateTime] or [number] (epoch time millis)
Creates a profile version query using DataStore:ListVersionsAsync() (Official documentation). Results are retrieved through ProfileVersionQuery:Next(). For additional help, check the versioning example in official Roblox documentation. Date definitions are easier with the DateTime (Official documentation) library. User defined day and time will have to be converted to Unix time (Wikipedia) while taking their timezone into account to expect the most precise results, though you can be rough and just set the date and time in the UTC timezone and expect a maximum margin of error of 24 hours for your query results.

Examples of query arguments:

  • Pass nil for sort_direction, min_date and max_date to find the oldest available version
  • Pass Enum.SortDirection.Descending for sort_direction, nil for min_date and max_date to find the most recent version.
  • Pass Enum.SortDirection.Descending for sort_direction, nil for min_date and DateTime defining a time before an event (e.g. two days earlier before your game unrightfully stole 1,000,000 rubies from a player) for max_date to find the most recent version of a Profile that existed before said event.

Case example: "I lost all of my rubies on August 14th!"

-- Get a ProfileStore object with the same arguments you passed to the
--  ProfileStore that loads player Profiles. It can also just be
--  the very same ProfileStore object:

local ProfileStore = ProfileService.GetProfileStore(store_name, template)

-- If you can't figure out the exact time and timezone the player lost rubies
--  in on the day of August 14th, then your best bet is to try querying
--  UTC August 13th. If the first entry still doesn't have the rubies - 
--  try a new query of UTC August 12th and etc.

local max_date = DateTime.fromUniversalTime(2021, 08, 13) -- UTC August 13th, 2021

local query = ProfileStore:ProfileVersionQuery(
  "Player_2312310", -- The same profile key that gets passed to :LoadProfileAsync()

-- Get the first result in the query:
local profile = query:NextAsync()

if profile ~= nil then


  profile:OverwriteAsync() -- This method does the actual rolling back;
    -- Don't call this method until you're sure about setting the latest
    -- version to a copy of the previous one

  print("Rollback success!")

  print(profile.Data) -- You'll be able to surf table contents if
    -- you're runing this code in studio with access to API services
    -- enabled and have expressive output enabled; If the printed
    -- data doesn't have the rubies, you'll want to change your
    -- query parameters.

  print("No version to rollback to")

Case example: Studying data mutation over time

-- You have ProfileService working in your game. You join
--  the game with your own account and go to
--  and save the current UNIX timestamp resembling present time.
--  You can then make the game alter your data by giving you
--  currency, items, experience, etc.

local ProfileStore = ProfileService.GetProfileStore(store_name, template)

-- UNIX timestamp you saved:
local min_date = DateTime.fromUnixTimestamp(1628952101)
local print_minutes = 5 -- Print the next 5 minutes of history

local query = ProfileStore:ProfileVersionQuery(

-- You can now attempt to print out every snapshot of your data saved
--  at an average periodic interval of 30 seconds (ProfileService auto-save)
--  starting from the time you took the UNIX timestamp!

local finish_update_time = min_date.UnixTimestampMillis + (print_minutes * 60000)

print("Fetching ", print_minutes, "minutes of saves:")

local entry_count = 0

while true do

  entry_count +=1
  local profile = query:NextAsync()

  if profile ~= nil then

    if profile.KeyInfo.UpdatedTime > finish_update_time then
      if entry_count == 1 then
        print("No entries found in set time period. (Start timestamp too early)")
        print("Time period finished.")

      "Entry", entry_count, "-",

    print(profile.Data) -- Printing table for studio expressive output

    if entry_count == 1 then
      print("No entries found in set time period. (Start timestamp too late)")
      print("No more entries in query.")



ProfileStore:WipeProfileAsync(profile_key) --> is_wipe_successful [bool]
-- profile_key   [string] -- DataStore key
Use :WipeProfileAsync() to erase user data when complying with right of erasure requests. In live Roblox servers :WipeProfileAsync() must be used on profiles created through ProfileStore.Mock after Profile:Release() and it's known that the Profile will no longer be loaded again.


local ProfileTemplate = {}
local GameProfileStore = ProfileService.GetProfileStore(

local LiveProfile = GameProfileStore:LoadProfileAsync(
local MockProfile = GameProfileStore.Mock:LoadProfileAsync(
print(LiveProfile ~= MockProfile) --> true

-- When done using mock profile on live servers: (Prevent memory leak)
-- You don't really have to wipe mock profiles in studio testing

ProfileStore.Mock is a reflection of methods available in the ProfileStore object with the exception of profile operations being performed on profiles stored on a separate, detached "fake" DataStore that will be forgotten when the game session ends. You may load profiles of the same key from ProfileStore and ProfileStore.Mock in parallel - these will be two different profiles because the regular and mock versions of the same ProfileStore are completely isolated from each other.

ProfileStore.Mock is useful for customizing your testing environment in cases when you want to enable Roblox API services in studio, but don't want ProfileService to save to live keys:

local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local GameProfileStore = ProfileService.GetProfileStore("PlayerData", ProfileTemplate)
if RunService:IsStudio() == true then
  GameProfileStore = GameProfileStore.Mock
A few more things:

  • Even when Roblox API services are disabled, ProfileStore and ProfileStore.Mock will store profiles in separate stores.
  • It's better to think of ProfileStore and ProfileStore.Mock as two different ProfileStore objects unrelated to each other in any way.
  • It's possible to create a project that utilizes both live and mock profiles on live servers!



Profile.Data   [table]
-- Non-strict reference - developer can set this value to a new table reference
Profile.Data is the primary variable of a Profile object. The developer is free to read and write from the table while it is automatically saved to the DataStore. Profile.Data will no longer be saved after being released remotely or locally via Profile:Release().


Profile.MetaData [table] (Read-only) -- Data about the profile itself

Profile.MetaData.ProfileCreateTime [number] (Read-only)
-- os.time() timestamp of profile creation

Profile.MetaData.SessionLoadCount [number] (Read-only)
-- Amount of times the profile was loaded

Profile.MetaData.ActiveSession [table] or nil (Read-only)
-- {place_id, game_job_id} or nil
-- Set to a session link if a Roblox server is currently the
--   owner of this profile; nil if released

Profile.MetaData.MetaTags [table] (Writable)
-- {["tag_name"] = tag_value, ...}
-- Saved and auto-saved just like Profile.Data

Profile.MetaData.MetaTagsLatest [table] (Read-only)
-- the most recent version of MetaData.MetaTags which has
--   been saved to the DataStore during the last auto-save
--   or Profile:Save() call

Profile.MetaData is a table containing data about the profile itself. Profile.MetaData.MetaTags is saved on the same DataStore key together with Profile.Data.


Profile.MetaTagsUpdated [ScriptSignal] (meta_tags_latest)

This signal fires after every auto-save, after Profile.MetaData.MetaTagsLatest has been updated with the version that's guaranteed to be saved. MetaTagsUpdated will fire regardless of whether MetaTagsLatest changed after update.

MetaTagsUpdated will also fire after the Profile is saved for the last time and released. Remember that changes to Profile.Data will not be saved after release - Profile:IsActive() will return false if the profile is released.

MetaTagsUpdated example use can be found in the Developer Products example code.


Profile.RobloxMetaData [table]
-- Non-strict reference - developer can set this value to a new table reference

Be cautious of very harsh limits for maximum Roblox Metadata size - As of writing this, total table content size cannot exceed 300 characters.

Table that gets saved as Metadata (Official documentation) of a DataStore key belonging to the profile. The way this table is saved is equivalent to using DataStoreSetOptions:SetMetaData(Profile.RobloxMetaData) and passing the DataStoreSetOptions object to a :SetAsync() call, except changes will truly get saved on the next auto-update cycle or when the profile is released. The periodic saving and saving upon releasing behaviour is identical to that of Profile.Data - After the profile is released further changes to this value will not be saved.


local profile -- A profile object you loaded

-- Mimicking the Roblox hub example:
profile.RobloxMetaData = {["ExperienceElement"] = "Fire"}

-- You can read from it and write to it at will:
profile.RobloxMetaData.ExperienceElement = nil
profile.RobloxMetaData.UserCategory = "Casual"

-- I think setting it to a whole table at profile load would
--   be more safe considering the size limit for meta data
--   is pretty tight:
profile.RobloxMetaData = {
  UserCategory = "Casual",
  FavoriteColor = {1, 0, 0},


Profile.UserIds [table] -- (READ-ONLY) -- {user_id [number], ...}
User ids associated with this profile. Entries must be added with Profile:AddUserId() and removed with Profile:RemoveUserId().


Profile.KeyInfo [DataStoreKeyInfo]
The DataStoreKeyInfo (Official documentation) instance related to this profile


Profile.KeyInfoUpdated [ScriptSignal] (key_info [DataStoreKeyInfo])
A signal that gets triggered every time Profile.KeyInfo is updated with a new DataStoreKeyInfo instance reference after every auto-save or profile release.


Profile.GlobalUpdates [GlobalUpdates]

This is the GlobalUpdates object tied to this specific Profile. It exposes GlobalUpdates methods for update processing. (See Global Updates for more info)


Profile:IsActive() --> [bool]
Returns true while the profile is session-locked and saving of changes to Profile.Data is guaranteed.


Profile:GetMetaTag(tag_name) --> value
-- tag_name   [string]
Equivalent of Profile.MetaData.MetaTags[tag_name]. See Profile:SetMetaTag() for more info.


Profile:Reconcile() --> nil
Fills in missing variables inside Profile.Data from profile_template table that was provided when calling ProfileService.GetProfileStore(). It's often necessary to use :Reconcile() if you're applying changes to your profile_template over the course of your game's development after release.

The right time to call this method can be seen in the basic usage example.

The following function is used in the reconciliation process:

local function ReconcileTable(target, template)
    for k, v in pairs(template) do
        if type(k) == "string" then -- Only string keys will be reconciled
            if target[k] == nil then
                if type(v) == "table" then
                    target[k] = DeepCopyTable(v)
                    target[k] = v
            elseif type(target[k]) == "table" and type(v) == "table" then
                ReconcileTable(target[k], v)


Profile:ListenToRelease(listener) --> [ScriptConnection] (place_id / nil, game_job_id / nil)
-- listener   [function] (place_id / nil, game_job_id / nil)
Listener functions subscribed to Profile:ListenToRelease() will be called when the profile is released remotely (Being "ForceLoad"'ed on a remote server) or locally (Profile:Release()). In common practice, the profile will rarely be released before the player leaves the game so it's recommended to simply :Kick() the Player when this happens.


After Profile:ListenToRelease() is triggered, it is too late to change Profile.Data for the final time. As long as the profile is active (Profile:IsActive() == true), you should store all profile related data immediately after it becomes available. An item trading operation between two profiles must happen without any yielding after it is confirmed that both profiles are active.


Removes the session lock for this profile for this Roblox server. Call this method after you're done working with the Profile object. Profile data will be immediately saved for the last time.


Profile:ListenToHopReady(listener) --> [ScriptConnection] ()
-- listener   [function] ()
In many cases ProfileService will be fast enough when loading and releasing profiles as the player teleports between places belonging to the same universe / game. However, if you're experiencing noticable delays when loading profiles after a universe teleport, you should try implementing :ListenToHopReady().

A listener passed to :ListenToHopReady() will be executed after the releasing UpdateAsync call finishes. :ListenToHopReady() will usually call the listener in around a second, but may ocassionally take up to 7 seconds when a profile is released next to an auto-update interval (regular usage scenario - rapid loading / releasing of the same profile key may yield different results).

Example use:

local TeleportService = game:GetService("TeleportService")
local profile, player, place_id

  TeleportService:TeleportAsync(place_id, {player})

In short, Profile:ListenToRelease() and Profile:ListenToHopReady() will both execute the listener function after release, but Profile:ListenToHopReady() will additionally wait until the session lock is removed from the Profile.


-- user_id   [number]
Associates a UserId with the profile. Multiple users can be associated with a single profile by calling this method for each individual UserId. The primary use of this method is to comply with GDPR (The right to erasure). More information in official documentation.

The right time to call this method can be seen in the basic usage example.


-- user_id   [number]
Unassociates UserId with the profile if it was initially associated.


Profile:Identify() --> [string]
-- Example return: "[Store:"GameData";Scope:"Live";Key:"Player_2312310"]"

Returns a string containing DataStore name, scope and key; Used for debugging;


Profile:SetMetaTag(tag_name, value)
-- tag_name   [string]
-- value      -- Any value supported by DataStore
Equivalent of Profile.MetaData.MetaTags[tag_name] = value. Use for tagging your profile with information about itself such as:

  • profile:SetMetaTag("DataVersion", 1) to let your game code know whether Profile.Data needs to be converted after massive changes to the game.
  • Anything set through profile:SetMetaTag(tag_name, value) will be available through Profile.MetaData.MetaTagsLatest[tag_name] after an auto-save or a :Save() call - Profile.MetaData.MetaTagsLatest is a version of Profile.MetaData.MetaTags that has been successfully saved to the DataStore.


You can use Profile.MetaData.MetaTagsLatest for product purchase confirmation (By storing receiptInfo.PurchaseId values inside Profile.MetaData.MetaTags and waiting for them to appear in Profile.MetaData.MetaTagsLatest). Don't forget to clear really old PurchaseId's to stay under DataStore limits.


Profile:Save() -- Call to quickly progress GlobalUpdates
--   state or to speed up save validation processes
--   (Does not yield)
Call Profile:Save() to quickly progress GlobalUpdates state or to speed up the propagation of Profile.MetaData.MetaTags changes to Profile.MetaData.MetaTagsLatest.

Profile:Save() should not be called for saving Profile.Data or Profile.MetaData.MetaTags - this is already done for you automatically.


Calling Profile:Save() when the Profile is released will throw an error. You can check Profile:IsActive() before using this method.



Only works for profiles loaded through :ViewProfileAsync() or :ProfileVersionQuery()

Clears all global update data (active or locked) for a profile payload. It may be desirable to clear potential "residue" global updates (e.g. pending gifts) which were existing in a snapshot which is being used to recover player data through :ProfileVersionQuery().



Only works for profiles loaded through :ViewProfileAsync() or :ProfileVersionQuery()

Only use for rollback payloads (Setting latest version to a copy of a previous version)!

Using this method for editing latest player data when the player is in-game can lead to several minutes of lost progress - it should be replaced by :LoadProfileAsync() which will wait for the next live profile auto-save if the player is in-game, allowing the remote server to release the profile and save latest data.

Pushes the Profile payload to the DataStore (saves the profile) and releases the session lock for the profile.

Global Updates

Global updates is a powerful feature of ProfileService, used for sending information to a desired player profile across servers, within the server or to a player profile that is not currently active in any Roblox server (Kind of like MessagingService, but slower and doesn't require the recipient to be active). The primary intended use of global updates is to support sending gifts among players, or giving items to players through a custom admin tool. The benefit of using global updates is it's API simplicity (This is as simple as it gets, sorry 😂) and the fact that global updates are pulled from the DataStore whenever the profile is auto-saved at no additional expense of more DataStore calls!

Global updates can be Active, Locked and Cleared:

  • Whenever a global update is created, it will be Active by default
  • Active updates can be changed or cleared within a :GlobalUpdateProfileAsync() call
  • Normally, when the profile is active on a Roblox server, you should always progress all Active updates to the Locked state
  • Locked updates can no longer be changed or cleared within a :GlobalUpdateProfileAsync() call
  • Locked updates are ready to be processed (e.g., add gift to player inventory) and imediately Locked by calling :LockActiveUpdate(update_id)
  • Cleared updates will immediately disappear from the profile forever

Always available


GlobalUpdates:GetActiveUpdates() --> [table] { {update_id, update_data}, ...}
Should be used immediately after a Profile is loaded to scan and progress any pending Active updates to Locked state:
for _, update in ipairs(profile.GlobalUpdates:GetActiveUpdates()) do


GlobalUpdates:GetLockedUpdates() --> [table] { {update_id, update_data}, ...}
Should be used immediately after a Profile is loaded to scan and progress any pending Locked updates to Cleared state:
for _, update in ipairs(profile.GlobalUpdates:GetLockedUpdates()) do
  local update_id = update[1]
  local update_data = update[2]
  if update_data.Type == "AdminGift" and update_data.Item == "Coins" then
    profile.Data.Coins = profile.Data.Coins + update_data.Amount

Only when accessed from Profile.GlobalUpdates


GlobalUpdates:ListenToNewActiveUpdate(listener) --> [ScriptConnection]
-- listener   [function](update_id, update_data)
In most games, you should progress all Active updates to Locked state:
profile.GlobalUpdates:ListenToNewActiveUpdate(function(update_id, update_data)


GlobalUpdates:ListenToNewLockedUpdate(listener) --> [ScriptConnection]
-- listener   [function](update_id, update_data)
-- Must always call GlobalUpdates:ClearLockedUpdate(update_id)
--   after processing the locked update.
When you get a Locked update via GlobalUpdates:ListenToNewLockedUpdate(), the update is ready to be proccessed and immediately locked:
profile.GlobalUpdates:ListenToNewLockedUpdate(function(update_id, update_data)
  if update_data.Type == "AdminGift" and update_data.Item == "Coins" then
    profile.Data.Coins = profile.Data.Coins + update_data.Amount


-- update_id   [number] -- Id of an existing global update
Turns an Active update into a Locked update. Will invoke GlobalUpdates:ListenToNewLockedUpdate() after an auto-save (less than 30 seconds) or Profile:Save().


Calling GlobalUpdates:LockActiveUpdate() when the Profile is released will throw an error. You can check Profile:IsActive() before using this method. ProfileService guarantees that the Profile will be active when GlobalUpdates:ListenToNewActiveUpdate() listeners are triggered.


-- update_id   [number] -- Id of an existing global update
Clears a Locked update completely from the profile.


Calling GlobalUpdates:ClearLockedUpdate() when the Profile is released will throw an error. You can check Profile:IsActive() before using this method. ProfileService guarantees that the Profile will be active when GlobalUpdates:ListenToNewLockedUpdate() listeners are triggered.

Available inside update_handler during a ProfileStore:GlobalUpdateProfileAsync() call


-- update_data   [table] -- Your custom global update data
Used to send a new Active update to the profile.


GlobalUpdates:ChangeActiveUpdate(update_id, update_data)
-- update_id     [number] -- Id of an existing global update
-- update_data   [table] -- New data that replaces previously set update_data
Changing Active updates can be used for stacking player gifts, particularly when lots of players can be sending lots of gifts to a Youtube celebrity so the Profile would not exceed the DataStore data limit.


-- update_id   [number] -- Id of an existing global update
Removes an Active update from the profile completely.