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Parameter limitations ( apply to Replica.Tags, Replica.Data, Replica:FireClient(), Replica:FireAllClients() and Replica:FireServer()


DO NOT YIELD (wait() or asynchronous tasks like Instance:WaitForChild(); Most methods / functions with async in their name) inside write functions or listener functions connected via Replica:ListenToWrite(), Replica:ListenToChange(), etc. Yielding in these places will cause ReplicaService / ReplicaController to skip replication events and lose data synchronization.


The ReplicaController and ReplicaService modules will yield on require() if the internally included modules are not found immediately

Common types

path - A path defines a location of a value within a dictionary (arrays will work too). Built-in mutators use the path variable to make the server and the client perform identical changes to their copy of the state.

-- Using [table] type paths is highly recommended - string type paths
--   will have a slightly bigger performance impact in large replica
--   implementations

path   [table] {"Currencies", "Coins"} -- Can use numeric indexes to
--   locate values in an array

path   [string] "Currencies.Coins" -- Use dots to separate multiple keys;
--   Will only work on string keys

function_name - Similar to path, locates a function within a WriteLib.

function_name   [string] "Currency.AddCoins" -- Use dots to separate multiple keys;
--   Functions and their categories may only have string keys

-- It's highly recommended to avoid using function categories and
--   keeping your WriteLib modules flat and short, dividing large
--   replicas into several, smaller replicas with fewer concerns


ReplicaService and ReplicaController perform all tasks and fire all new replica signals one at a time, one after another (sequential execution). Understanding the order of execution can help you make more efficient decisions in solving your problems.

When a replica reference is received through .NewReplicaSignal or .ReplicaOfClassCreated(), ReplicaController provides these guarantees:

  • Whenever any replica is received client-side, all descendants (all children & children of children) of that replica at the moment of replication (Parent set in replica_params or :ReplicateFor()) will be accessible on the client-side!
  • When the client receives first data or receives selective replication of a top level replica, .NewReplicaSignal and .ReplicaOfClassCreated() will be fired for all replicas in the order they were created server-side from earliest to latest (Replica.Id reflects this order). E.g. Creating "replica1" and then "replica2" in this order server-side will make all clients create (and fire .NewReplicaSignal and .ReplicaOfClassCreated() for) these replicas in the exact order assuming they are replicated to all players or are descendants of the same top level replica at the moment of replication.



ReplicaService.ActivePlayers   [table] -- (read-only) {player = true, ...}
A reference of players that have received initial data - having received initial data means having access to all replicas that are selectively replicated to that player.


ReplicaService.NewActivePlayerSignal   [ScriptSignal] (player)
A signal for new ReplicaService.ActivePlayers entries.


ReplicaService.RemovedActivePlayerSignal   [ScriptSignal] (player)
A signal for removed ReplicaService.RemovedActivePlayerSignal entries.


ReplicaService.Temporary   [Replica]
A replica that is not replicated to any player and a "helper" for creating nested Replica objects when immediate replication of individual nested replicas is not desirable.

ReplicaService.Temporary Example:


-- A valid use case is when it is desired for clients to receive a
--   replica structure with all children replicated together as
--   opposed to the client first receiving a parent creation signal
--   (with missing children at that moment) and child creation
--   signals coming in separately:

local UseTemporary = true -- Set to false to make the replicas be
--   replicated separately

local ContainerReplica = ReplicaService.NewReplica({
  ClassToken = ReplicaService.NewClassToken("SingletonContainerReplica"),
  Replication = "All",

local ReplicaClassToken1 = ReplicaService.NewClassToken("Class1")
local ReplicaClassToken2 = ReplicaService.NewClassToken("Class2")

local parent = ContainerReplica
if UseTemporary == true then
  parent = ReplicaService.Temporary

local nested_replica = ReplicaService.NewReplica({
  ClassToken = ReplicaClassToken1, -- "Class1"
  Parent = parent,
local child_replica = ReplicaService.NewReplica({
  ClassToken = ReplicaClassToken2, -- "Class2"
  Parent = nested_replica,

nested_replica:SetParent(ContainerReplica) -- Sets Parent to ContainerReplica
--   if it wasn't already parented to ContainerReplica


ReplicaController.ReplicaOfClassCreated("Class1", function(replica)
  print(#replica.Children) --> Will print 1 when UseTemporary is set to true
  --   or 0 when UseTemporary is set to false
    print(#replica.Children) --> Will always print 1 when UseTemporary
    --   is set to true and is very likely, but not guaranteed to
    --   print 1 when UseTemporary is set to false

ReplicaController.RequestData() -- Only using here for testing purposes
--   ReplicaController.RequestData() should only be called once in the
--   entire codebase!


ReplicaService.NewClassToken(class_name) --> [ReplicaClassToken]
Class tokens for a particular class_name can only be created once - this helps the developer avoid Replica class name collisions when merging codebases.


ReplicaService.NewReplica(replica_params) --> [Replica]
  replica_params   [table]:
      ClassToken = replica_class_token,
      -- Optional params (can be nil):
      Tags = {}, -- {TagName = tag_value, ...}
      Data = {}, -- Table to be replicated (Retains table reference)
      Replication = "All" or {[Player] = true, ...} or [Player],
      Parent = replica, -- [Replica]
      WriteLib = write_lib_module, -- [ModuleScript]
Creates a replica and immediately replicates to select active players based on replication settings of this Replica or the parent Replica.

  • ClassToken - Sets Replica.Class to the string provided in ReplicaService.NewClassToken(class_name)
  • Tags - (Default: {} empty table) A dictionary of identifiers. Use Tags to let the client know which game objects the Replica belongs to: Tags = {Part = part, Player = player, ...}. Tags can't be changed after the Replica is created.
  • Data - (Default: {} empty table) A table representing a state. Using Profile.Data from ProfileService is valid!
  • Replication - (Default: {} not replicated to anyone) Pass "All" to replicate to everyone in the game and everyone who will join the game later. Pass {Player = true, Player = true, ...} dictionary or Player instance for selective replication.
  • Parent - (Default: nil) Don't provide any value to create a top level replica - top level replicas can't be parented to other replicas and force their replication settings to all descendant nested replicas. Providing a parent creates a nested replica - nested replicas can be parented to any replica (except their own children), but they can't have their own replication settings. Hence the Replication and Parent parameters are mutually exclusive.
  • WriteLib - (Default: nil) Provide a ModuleScript (not the return of require()) to assign write functions (mutator functions) to this replica. The WriteLib parameter is individual for every Replica.



ReplicaController.InitialDataReceivedSignal   [ScriptSignal]()
Fired once after the client finishes receiving initial replica data from server.


ReplicaController.InitialDataReceived   [bool]
Set to true after the client finishes receiving initial replica data from server.


ReplicaController.ReplicaOfClassCreated(replica_class, listener)
    --> [ScriptConnection] listener(replica)
Listens to creation of replicas client-side of a particular class.
ReplicaController.ReplicaOfClassCreated("Flower", function(replica)
    print("Flower replica created:", replica:Identify())
    print(replica.Class == "Flower") --> true
This is the preferred method of grabbing references to all replicas clients-side.


ReplicaController.NewReplicaSignal   [ScriptSignal] (replica)
Fired every time a replica is created client-side.
  print("Replica created:", replica:Identify())


ReplicaController.GetReplicaById(replica_id) --> [Replica] or nil
Returns a Replica that is loaded client-side with a Replica.Id that matches replica_id.


Requests the server to start sending replica data.

All .NewReplicaSignal and .ReplicaOfClassCreated() listeners should be connected before calling .RequestData()! - refrain from connecting listeners afterwards!

If your game has local scripts that may run later during gameplay and they will need to interact with replicas, you should create a centralized module that connects Replica creation listeners before .RequestData() and provides those local scripts with the replica references they need.


Shared members


Replica.Data   [table] -- (read-only)
Table representing the state wrapped by the Replica. Note that after wrapping a table with a Replica you may no longer write directly to that table (doing so would potentially desynchronize state among clients and in some cases even break code) - all changes must be applied through mutators.
local PlayerStatsReplicaClassToken = ReplicaService.NewClassToken("PlayerStats")

local player -- A Player instance
local data = {Coins = 100}
local replica = ReplicaService.NewReplica({
  ClassToken = PlayerStatsReplicaClassToken,
  Tags = {Player = player},
  Data = data, -- Replica does not create a deep copy!
  Replication = "All",

print(replica.Data == data) --> true
print(replica.Data.Coins) --> 100
replica:SetValue({"Coins"}, 420)
print(data.Coins, replica.Data.Coins) --> 420 420


Replica.Id   [number] -- (read-only)
An identifier that is unique for every Replica within a Roblox game session.


Replica.Class   [string] -- (read-only)
The class_name parameter that has been used for the ReplicaClassToken used to create this Replica.


Replica.Tags   [table] -- (read-only)
A custom static Replica identifier mainly used for referencing affected game instances. Only used for properties that will not change for the rest of the Replica's lifespan.
local CharacterReplicaClassToken = ReplicaService.NewClassToken("Character")

local player -- A Player instance
local character -- A Model instance
local replica = ReplicaService.NewReplica({
  ClassToken = CharacterReplicaClassToken,
  Tags = {Player = player, Character = character, Appearance = "Ninja"},
  Replication = "All",


Replica.Parent   [Replica] or nil -- (read-only)
Reference to the parent Replica. All nested replicas will have a parent. All top level replicas will have their Parent property set to nil. nested replicas will never become top level replicas and vice versa.


Replica.Children   [table] -- (read-only) {replica, ...} 
An array of replicas parented to this Replica.


Replica:IsActive() --> is_active [bool]
Returns false if the Replica was destroyed.


Replica:Identify() --> [string]
Creates a brief string description of a Replica, excluding Replica.Data contents. Used for debug purposes.
print(replica:Identify()) --> "[Id:7;Class:Flower;Tags:{Model=FlowerModel}]"


--  task   [function] or [Instance] or [Object] (with :Destroy() or :Disconnect())
Signs up a task, object, instance or function to be ran or destroyed when the Replica is destroyed. The cleanup task is performed instantly if the Replica is already destroyed.
local FlowerReplicaClassToken = ReplicaService.NewClassToken("Flower")

local flower_model -- A Model instance
local replica = ReplicaService.NewReplica({
  ClassToken = FlowerReplicaClassToken,
  Tags = {Model = flower_model},
  Data = {
    HasBees = false,
    HoneyScore = 10,
  Replication = "All",

replica:Destroy() -- Destroys the replica for all subscribed clients first,
--   then runs all the cleanup tasks including destroying the flower_model


Removes the cleanup task from the cleanup list.

Built-in mutators

(path parameter is defined in CommonTypes)

Mutators can alter any value in Replica.Data and replicate this change to players that have this Replica replicated to them. Mutators can only be used server-side or inside WriteLibs. Mutators will not trigger replication when called inside WriteLibs since the code is already going to be performed both on the server and client.


Just like with RemoteEvents, passing value as a reference to an instance which is not replicated to the player (e.g. parented to ServerScriptStorage / not parented to the DataModel) will make the client receive a nil value.


Replica:SetValue(path, value)
Sets any individual value within Replica.Data to value. Parameter value can be nil and will set the value located in path to nil.


Replica:SetValues(path, values) 
Sets multiple keys located in path to specified values
replica:SetValues({"Fruit"}, {
  -- Notice: keys can't be paths here, only direct members
  Apples = 5,
  Oranges = 2,
  -- WARNING: nil values will not work with replica:SetValues()
  Bananas = nil, -- THIS IS INVALID, USE
  --   Replica:SetValue({"Fruit", "Bananas"}, nil)
print(replica.Data.Fruit.Oranges) --> 2


Replica:ArrayInsert(path, value) --> new_index [number]
Performs table.insert(t, value) where t is a numeric sequential array table located in path.


Replica:ArraySet(path, index, value)
Performs t[index] = value where t is a numeric sequential array table located in path.


Replica:ArrayRemove(path, index) --> removed_value
Performs table.remove(t, index) where t is a numeric sequential array table located in path.

Custom mutators


Custom mutator functions must execute identical data changes on server and client given the same function parameters (Always assume Replica.Data of all replicated replicas are identical on server and client-side at the time of a write function execution). Implementing RunService:IsServer(), reading physical positions of parts or reading machine time (os.clock(), tick(), etc.) within write functions may lead to Replica.Data desynchronization between server and client-side and a collapse of stable behaviour from further replicated delta-data.

In Layman's terms, a desyncronized client can be asked to add 1 to a value (Within Replica.Data, via a write function) which is equal to 100 locally, but is equal to 101 on the server, resulting in values 101 and 102 on client and server-side respectively. You may easily desynchronize machines by asking the server and client to add os.clock() to said value - os.clock() is always assumed to be a "desynchronized" value among all machinces and adding it to a synchronized value will desynchronize it. Due to Roblox physics being a partially locally simulated feature, desynchronization can also be done by using moving part position values.

You may still use os.clock() or part positions passed as initial write function parameters on server-side so the client may repeat write function operations with identical function parameters.

Keep it synchronized.


A WriteLib is a ModuleScript containing a dictionary of mutator functions. When these functions are triggered using Replica:Write(), they will be called on both the server and all clients that have this Replica replicated to them. ReplicaService serializes all WriteLib functions to numbers, so only a small number is replicated as a reference to that function.

WriteLib example structure:

(ModuleScript WriteLib.lua - Must be a descendant of a replicated instance / container (e.g. ReplicatedStorage))

local WriteLib = {
  -- Mutator functions will receive the first parameter as the
  --   Replica being mutated; Custom parameters passed with
  --   Replica:Write() will follow
  RestockAll = function(replica, restock_count, max_count)
    for soda_name, old_count in pairs(replica.Data.Cans) do
      -- Using mutators inside WriteLibs will trigger client-side
      --   listeners as expected:
        {"Cans", soda_name},
        math.min(old_count + restock_count, max_count)
  TakeCan = function(replica, soda_name, amount) --> amount_taken
    local old_count = replica.Data.Cans[soda_name] or 0
    local amount_taken = math.min(old_count, amount)
    if amount_taken > 0 then
       replica:SetValue({"Cans", soda_name}, old_count - amount_taken)
    return amount_taken
  AddCoins = function(replica, coin_count)
    replica:SetValue({"CoinsInside"}, replica.Data.CoinsInside + coin_count)
  TakeAllCoins = function() --> coins_taken
    local coins = replica.Data.CoinsInside
    replica:SetValue({"CoinsInside"}, 0)
    replica:Write("RestockAll", 1, 10) -- WriteLibs can use their own mutators!
    return coins
  -- A note for power users:
  --   replica.Children and replica.Parent can be accessed within
  --   WriteLib mutator functions - built-in and custom mutators
  --   can be triggered for those replicas as well. Go wild!

return WriteLib

(Script ReplicaTest.server.lua)

local SodaMachineReplicaClassToken = ReplicaService.NewClassToken("SodaMachine")
local WriteLib = game.ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild("WriteLib")

local model -- A Model instance
local replica = ReplicaService.NewReplica({
  ClassToken = CoinReplicaClassToken,
  Tags = {Model = model},
  Data = {
    Cans = {
      Cola = 10,
      Lemonade = 10,
      RootBeer = 10,
    CoinsInside = 0,
  }, -- Replica does not create a deep copy!
  Replication = "All",
  WriteLib = WriteLib

local cola_click_detector -- Assume this is a ClickDetector of a cola button
local restock_click_detector -- Assume this is a ClickDetector of a restock button

  replica:Write("TakeCan", "Cola", 1)

  replica:Write("RestockAll", 1, 10)

(LocalScript ReplicaTest.client.lua)

ReplicaController.ReplicaOfClassCreated("SodaMachine", function(replica)

  local machine_model = replica.Tags.Model

  replica:ListenToWrite("TakeCan", function(soda_name, amount)
    -- Play sound on the client?
    print(tostring(amount) .. " can(s) of " .. soda_name
      .. " have been taken from " .. tostring(machine_model))

  replica:ListenToWrite("RestockAll", function(restock_count, max_count)
    print(tostring(machine_model) .. " has been restocked! ("
      .. tostring(restock_count) .. " each)")

  replica:ListenToChange({"Cans", "Cola"}, function(new_value)
    print("Coke can count has changed:", new_value)

  -- Notice: You don't need to disconnect Replica listeners as the listeners
  --    will be forgotten when the Replica is destroyed



Be aware that things like os.clock() will have different values on the server and client when referenced inside a WriteLib. Instead you can make the server pass such values as parameters to a mutator function.


(function_name parameter is defined in CommonTypes)

Replica:Write(function_name, params...) --> params...
--    Returns anything the write function returns
Calls a function within a WriteLib that has been assigned to this Replica for both the server and all clients that have this Replica replicated to them.

Server (ReplicaService)


Changes the Parent of the Replica.

Only nested replicas can have their parents changed (nested replicas are replicas that were initially created with a parent).

If a Replica, from a single player's perspective, is moved from a non-replicated parent to a replicated parent, the replica will be created for the player as expected. Likewise, parenting a replica to a non-replicated replica will destroy it for that player. This feature is useful for controlling visible game chunks with entities that can move between those chunks.


Replica:ReplicateFor("All") -- Replicates the Replica to everyone in the game and
--   everyone who will join in the future
Replica:ReplicateFor(player) -- Selectively replicates the replica to a Player;
--   Will not alter replication when the Replica is already replicated to "All"
Changes replication settings (subscription settings) for select players.

Only top level replicas can have their replication settings changed (top level replicas are replicas that were initially created without a parent).


Replica:DestroyFor("All") -- Destroys the Replica for all clients that had
--   this replica replicated; Disables replication for future players
Replica:DestroyFor(player) -- Selectively destroys the replica for a Player
Changes replication settings (subscription settings) for select players.

Only top level replicas can have their replication settings changed (top level replicas are replicas that were initially created without a parent).


Selectively destroying Replica:DestroyFor(player) for clients when the replica is replicated to "All" will throw an error - Call Replica:DestroyFor("All") first.


Replica:ConnectOnServerEvent(listener) --> [ScriptConnection] (player, params...)
Simulates the behaviour of RemoteEvent.OnServerEvent.


Replica:FireClient(player, params...)
Simulates the behaviour of RemoteEvent:FireClient().


Simulates the behaviour of RemoteEvent:FireAllClients().


Destroys replica and all of its descendants (Depth-first). Replica destruction signal is sent to the client first, while cleanup tasks assigned with Replica:AddCleanupTask() will be performed after.

Client (ReplicaController)

(path and function_name parameters are defined in CommonTypes)


Replica:ListenToWrite(function_name, listener) --> [ScriptConnection]
--   listener   [function] (params...)
Listens to WriteLib mutator functions being triggered. See WriteLib section for examples.


Replica:ListenToChange(path, listener) --> [ScriptConnection]
--   listener   [function] (new_value, old_value)
Creates a listener which gets triggered by Replica:SetValue() calls.


Replica:ListenToNewKey(path, listener) --> [ScriptConnection]
--   listener   [function] (new_value, new_key)
Creates a listener which gets triggered by Replica:SetValue() calls when a new key is created inside path (value previously equal to nil). Note that this listener can't reference the key itself inside path.


Replica:ListenToArrayInsert(path, listener) --> [ScriptConnection]
--   listener   [function] (new_index, new_value)
Creates a listener which gets triggered by Replica:ArrayInsert() calls.


Replica:ListenToArraySet(path, listener) --> [ScriptConnection]
--   listener   [function] (index, new_value)
Creates a listener which gets triggered by Replica:ArraySet() calls.


Replica:ListenToArrayRemove(path, listener) --> [ScriptConnection]
--   listener   [function] (old_index, old_value)
Creates a listener which gets triggered by Replica:ArrayRemove() calls.


Replica:ListenToRaw(listener) --> [ScriptConnection]
--   listener   [function] (action_name, path_array, params...)
Allows the developer to parse exact arguments that have been passed to any of the built-in mutators.

Possible parameter reference for Replica:ListenToRaw():

-- ("SetValue", path_array, value)
-- ("SetValues", path_array, values)
-- ("ArrayInsert", path_array, value)
-- ("ArraySet", path_array, index, value)
-- ("ArrayRemove", path_array, index, old_value)

-- path_array   [table] -- table type path


Replica:ListenToChildAdded(listener) --> [ScriptConnection]
--   listener   [function] (replica)
Creates a listener which gets triggered when a new child Replica is created.


Replica:FindFirstChildOfClass(replica_class) --> [Replica] or nil
--   replica_class   [string] -- Matches with Replica.Class
Returns a first child Replica of specified class if one exists.


Replica:ConnectOnClientEvent(listener) --> [ScriptConnection]
--   listener   [function] (params...)
Simulates the behaviour of RemoteEvent.OnClientEvent.


Simulates the behaviour of RemoteEvent:FireServer().