Basic Usage

This might not be the most useful, but it's the most basic implementation you can write with ReplicaService:

(Script ReplicaTest.server.lua)

local ReplicaService = require(game.ServerScriptService.ReplicaService)

local test_replica = ReplicaService.NewReplica({
    ClassToken = ReplicaService.NewClassToken("TestReplica"),
    Data = {Value = 0},
    Replication = "All",

while task.wait(1) do
    test_replica:SetValue({"Value"}, test_replica.Data.Value + 1)

(LocalScript ReplicaTest.client.lua)

local ReplicaController = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.ReplicaController)

ReplicaController.ReplicaOfClassCreated("TestReplica", function(replica)
    print("TestReplica received! Value:", replica.Data.Value)

    replica:ListenToChange({"Value"}, function(new_value)
        print("Value changed:", new_value)

ReplicaController.RequestData() -- This function should only be called once
--   in the entire codebase! Read the documentation for more info.